Space magic motion design
Motion Design
We harness the power of Javascript and plugins to deliver
iterative automated templates with a creative touch
final delivery is dead!Now, in the age of social, infinite variants, rapid prototyping, and adaptive flexibility are the paradigm. Delivery is never final, instead...Creating accessible reusable template kits and providing support for them is the future, Instead of giving you one animation, Space Magic Motion develops plugins for Adobe that can deliver you 1000 of variations in a few clicks.
Data that never diesYour plugins, project files, and renders are all hosted and managed in a searchable cloud library, indefinitely. Allowing you to track and securely managing vast multi-petabyte content libraries across multiple access points, your data will never die, or collect dust on a offline drive that no-one can search.
creativity livesHybrid technology with human centered design. Blending the magic of software development, animation and the creative mind to foment rapid iteration that never forgets the foundations of art and design